The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #30394   Message #389907
Posted By: Micca
04-Feb-01 - 05:12 PM
Thread Name: Unofficial Song Challenge: Peacock Envy
Subject: RE: Unofficial Song Challenge: Peacock Envy
well, I couldnt resist...
The peacock song
By Micca
Oh dear oh what ever shall I do
A peacock usually needs 4 hens
And I've only got 2
I am disgraced in my demesne
And in the country too
A peacock usually needs 4 hens
And I've only got 2

I will tramp around the country lanes and see what I can find
I will flash around the feathers that grow from my behind
For the foxes they are eating up the totty on the ground
But maybe in the cornfields some females hang around

They terrorised the paper boy and village children too
They've damaged all the veggies that we would put in our stew..
They are searching high and low around to try and find some mates
They are just a bunch of escapees from some ones big estates

With the foxes and the moggies robbing nests the country round
The owners of the peahens have to keep them safe and sound
The only protected females are all in yards with locks
So celibacy beckons for these splendid feathered cocks