The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #163255   Message #3900218
Posted By: Senoufou
17-Jan-18 - 04:17 PM
Thread Name: BS: A giant wombat wanders into a Tavern
Subject: RE: BS: A giant wombat wanders into a Tavern
A very large cruise ship can be seen on the horizon. It travels at an incredible speed towards the Tavern, creating a bow wave that can be seen from space.
Mounted on the bridge is a massive antenna, emitting loud bleeping sounds.
It is a jumbo-sized Crumpet Detector, and it is glowing red.

The ship docks, and whizzing down the gangplank come a plump old lady, a smiling, happy African man and many, many Siamese cats. They all have napkins tucked under their chins, and all are drooling (including the humans)
"Um....did someone mention...crumpets??" asks the old lady, rushing towards Bruce. There is a predatory look in her eye.