The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #163449   Message #3900795
Posted By: Betsy720
20-Jan-18 - 11:12 PM
Thread Name: req: Sadie Thompson 'The Rain came down'
Subject: Sadie Thompson
Okay...I know this is a long shot, but I'm bedeviled by a novelty number from maybe the fifties? Based on the story of Sadie Thompson, adapted from a short story by W. Somerset Maugham. NOT the song from the movie, NOT the theme song from any of the various movies, but a sprightly little ditty that goes something like this (as much as I can remember):

On a far-off island way down in the tropics, I can't recall the name
Lived (came?) a girl named Sadie Thompson, and the island was never the same.
She had brought along a stack of jazz records to play 'neath the tropical moon;
?the island never had/heard that jazz before, but they both got acquainted real soon.

CHORUS: And the rain(s) came down, It came down through the trees
Yes, the rain came down, it reached above your knees
But inside her shack, Sadie would entertain -
Drank coca-cola, played her Victrola
While she enjoyed the rain.

There are at least two more verses, in the first of which the feckless minister on the other side of the island determines to "save" her:

"he followed the sound of the music and the laughter
and it led him to Sadie's front door." (CHORUS)

I think she corrupts him in verse three (or as corrupt as the Code would permit)and in the last verse, she's back in the States:

"...Back from the tropics, leadin' a good life
Keeps herself busy, being a good wife
But in a drizzle, she starts to sizzle,
and she enjoys/The Rain"

I know the song exists - I actually found a reference to it from the UK:

Advanced Member (I'm not sure of what - but it was from ten years ago)

Jerry Members 0 866 posts

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Posted February 7, 2011
Mary, this piece of a lyric comes to mind: While inside her hut, Sadie would entertain
Played her Victrola, sipped Coca-Cola
While she enjoyed.........the rain. From the Somerset Maugham story set in the South Pacific.

SO....I'm going to go look for "Jerry", but wondered if anyone here could help! Thanks for reading all this obsessive palaver!!!