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Thread #163483   Message #3901534
Posted By: Joe Offer
24-Jan-18 - 03:31 PM
Thread Name: BS: Trump Station in Old Jerusalem
Subject: RE: BS: Trump Station in Old Jerusalem
Well, here's a post from Greg that was deleted. I deleted the part that resorted to name-calling, but here's the rest:

I was there, Greg. I talked to the people. I saw the cities, and I saw that the cities were doing pretty well - much better than many of the cities I saw in Egypt.

I said that I did not see the refugee camps. Those camps are 70 years old now, and generations have been born and raised there. From what I understand, living conditions in these camps are deplorable - and I said all that above, Jim and Greg.

The reality may not agree with your propaganda, but what I saw and described is the truth. There is both good and bad in Palestine, but the Nation of Palestine is making real progress and deserves credit for it.

I think there is great hope for Palestine....and I think that East Jerusalem should be declared the Capital of Palestine. What's sauce for the goose, is sauce for the gander.

I'm a pacifist, and I do not believe in the efficacy of warfare or revolution. Warfare and revolution only serve to transfer power from one strongman to another - and all the people do is suffer. Strongmen thrive on fomenting animosity among the masses. The only thing powerful enough to defeat the strongmen, is when little people have the integrity to overcome the hatred and work with each other.

Trump and his alt-right supporters thrive on misinformation and propaganda that sets one faction against another. They create bigotry and anger because it destabilizes and disempowers the masses, and magnifies the power of the Trump Elite. The Trump Elite, just like the wealthy elite everywhere, have no concern for the little people. They find it offensive to have to provide healthcare and pensions and a living wage, or to allow people to migrate from one country to another fo find work and a safe place to live. It's not that the Trump Elite are bad people, although some of them are. The elite have absolutely no concept of what it is to have to work for a living.

Just like those who have been enraged into animosity and bigotry by the Trump propaganda, Jim and Greg buy into that same animosity and bigotry - but from the other side.

The only way for good to prevail, is for good people to work together. And there are good people on both sides of the conflict in Israel and Palestine. It's just that they're not in power.

-Joe Offer-