The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #161919 Message #3901738
Posted By: Steve Gardham
25-Jan-18 - 02:08 PM
Thread Name: EFDSS and the Carpenter Collection
Subject: RE: EFDSS and the Carpenter Collection
At the moment I'm more interested in the texts, particularly Bell Duncan's ballads and the chanteys, but I'm struggling to find anything other than lists and descriptions of what is contained.
I regularly use the Full English and can cope with that fine but I can't find anything from Carpenter that is in the same format or accessible.
Any chance that a kind techie can give a short list of instructions how to access the material please? Just the texts for now would be great.
Regarding the recordings, this is not a disaster if we have the music and text transcriptions. If we can make out the tune reasonably well with the text in front of us that will be sufficient for most of us.