The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #163483   Message #3901757
Posted By: Greg F.
25-Jan-18 - 03:20 PM
Thread Name: BS: Trump Station in Old Jerusalem
Subject: RE: BS: Trump Station in Old Jerusalem
Well, Joe -

Greg_F, I generally do my best to ignore what you have to say, since so much of it is false and unfounded.

Except for the fact that you DON"T ignore it and are almost universally unwilling or unable to substantiate how it is "false and unfounded" and instead prefer to label those who disagree with you bigots & etc.

The Palestinians are not just wallowing in self-pity, waiting for you to ride in on your white horse to rescue them

Ya think Joe? Where did I ever maintain that they were? You're making this crap up as you go along. Or do you mean to say that the Palestinians are waiting for the AFSC et. al. to ride in on their white horses to rescue them as well??

Why is it that you and Jim Carroll are so offended when I say that the Palestinians are doing good things?

Made up shit (to stel a phrase from The Professor), Joe. How the hell can you maintain that I am in any way offended that the Palestinians - despite the Isreaeli occuping forces and Israeli government intervention - are "doing good things"? What, exactly do you base this assertion on? You're just flailing about wildly - or being disingenuous.

how offended you are when I say anything good about the Catholic Church

Again, you're being idiotic with this baseless assertion. And have no facts to back it up.

Politics is indeed important, but it has a limited effect on the daily lives of most people.

Unless said politics are those of the right-wing Israeli Likud government- which has a very real and direct negative impact on the daily lives of the Palestinian people- as the UNHCR and AFSC and Amnesty International and a host of others document.

Or unless said politics are those of Trump (a.k.a. President Shithole) screwing over the lives of the majority of people in the U.S.

Real life does not happen in the midst of the elite..... the elite are irrelevant to the rest of us.

Absolutely right, Joe - what Trump, or the Koch Brothers, or Theresa May, & the rest of 'em do has NO EFFECT WHATSOEVER on the rest of us.

Joe, you need to take a deep breath and stop behaving like an ass. I had thought you were better than this - now I 'm not so sure.