The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #163126   Message #3902042
Posted By: Severn
26-Jan-18 - 06:42 PM
Thread Name: SECRET SANTA, gifts and teasing.
Subject: RE: SECRET SANTA, gifts and teasing.
Excuse me for being thicker than flies on a carcass on a summer day, but there are hints being dropped all arounnd me of late, and I can't even catch them on the first bounce. The closest name I know on the Mudcat to a Caroline (A lovely name, by the way, shared by both a sister and a favorite aunt) is Sussex Carole, whose repertoire of songs tends to the salty, and the only mandolin player I know that would have to send things by boat would be Leadfingers. There's mention made of women who don't look their age, but I was taught as a gentleman many long years ago to never EVER tell a woman that they look their age if I should ever want yo talk to said lady again. 70s music can refer to a lot of artists and styles, a number of which I'm still fond of, seeing it as the "era of my ways", but some of which I never took to. "The waves" keep getting mentioned in quotes, but don't remember knowing any Catter women who were in the US Navy. Ca an "waves be the plural of waif, perhaps?......

Anyway,I,m still singing "Wait A Minute Mr. Postman" (but not its attempted sequel "Twistin' Postman ", which was a bit of a disappointment, to say the least. It still made it as filler on the Marvelettes' Greatest Hits album)....