The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #163483   Message #3902334
Posted By: Steve Shaw
28-Jan-18 - 05:21 AM
Thread Name: BS: Trump Station in Old Jerusalem
Subject: RE: BS: Trump Station in Old Jerusalem
Well, Keith, I do post a lot to this board but I don't leap in at every juncture at your behest. Your remarks about my attitude to Jim's remarks are completely out of order. I will say or not say what I like and you do not get to jump to conclusions when I choose to say nothing. Mostly, when I say nothing it's either because I have a life to live beyond these shores or because I've probably said it a hundred times before. On ethnic cleansing, a term we shouldn't too easily resort to, I regard the treatment of the Bedouin in the Negev as an egregious example of it. As for settlement building, certainly there are areas that have been cleared for exclusive Jewish occupation. In the long term that is making a two-state solution unviable, and a single state is unpalatable to the Israeli regime for the demographic reason Joe has stated and the fact that a single state would no longer be able to be called a Jewish state. What that adds up to is that successive Israeli regimes haven't wanted a solution. They appear to want the Palestinians out. We'll have to see whether their actions in the long term move closer to achieving that. I would hesitate to call it ethnic cleansing apropos of the occupied territories or parts of them until we see how things pan out in the future. But it looks like it's moving in that direction unless political or moral pressure can be put on the regime to stop the settlement building and even hand territory back and to desist from their attritional treatment of Gaza. That isn't looking likely unless wise people in America make aid to Israel conditional on precisely that, and the pro-Israel lobby will make damn sure that that won't happen.