The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #163483   Message #3902537
Posted By: Steve Shaw
28-Jan-18 - 09:32 PM
Thread Name: BS: Trump Station in Old Jerusalem
Subject: RE: BS: Trump Station in Old Jerusalem
You're being just a tad naive, Joe. Just because that disreputable organisation has been going for a hundred years, it doesn't mean that it's respectable. From that link:

... However, the predominant drive of the BDS campaign and its leadership is not criticism of policies, but the demonization and delegitimization of Israel. BDS campaigns promote a biased and simplistic approach to the complex Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and present this dispute over territorial and nationalist claims as the fault of only one party: Israel...

...Increasingly, BDS campaigns are used by anti-Israel activists to attract attention to their message, particularly on college campuses where BDS initiatives draw students, faculty, campus organizations and administrations into a highly politicized and publicized debate.

Is BDS Anti-Semitic?

Many of the founding goals of the BDS movement, including denying the Jewish people the universal right of self-determination, along with many of the strategies employed in BDS campaigns are anti-Semitic. Many individuals involved in BDS campaigns are driven by opposition to Israel's very existence as a Jewish state.   Often time, BDS campaigns give rise to tensions in communities (particularly on college campuses) that can result in harassment or intimidation of Jews and Israel supporters, including overt anti-Semitic expression and acts. This dynamic can create an environment in which anti-Semitism can be express more freely.
And, all too often, BDS advocates employ anti-Semitic rhetoric and narratives to isolate and demonize Israel.

Spot any bias there, Joe? Any propaganda? Well I do. If you tell me that you can't see it, in the interests of balance, feel free to ask and I'll give you chapter and verse, though I know that you're more than clever enough to work it out for yourself.