The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #12357 Message #390279
Posted By: GUEST,skarpi at work
05-Feb-01 - 07:36 AM
Thread Name: The Saddest Song of All
Subject: RE: The Saddest Song of All
Halló all. We got one sad song here in Iceland witch i think its saddest song i ever have heard. It is called " Á Kránni " In English " At the pup " It is about family who are loosing a child and the father drinks his sorrows at the pup, in middle verse the the other kid comes and ask his to home bescouse the little one was asking asking about him. I think i can get an English version of the lyric. It is a great melody but the lyric is sad. Of course we have more songs but think this one is the saddest. skarpi Iceland.