The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #163579   Message #3904537
Posted By: Dave the Gnome
09-Feb-18 - 04:39 AM
Thread Name: BS: My Tesla My Tesla, Gone to Mars? Oh Yesa
Subject: RE: BS: My Tesla My Tesla, Gone to Mars? Oh Yesa
is there indeed any planet suitable for colonisation within a reasonable distance?

That is a million miles (or light years?) off the point Eliza. Think outside the box! The by-product of the exercise is the development of new technology. Going back to my library example, the one in Alexandria was built to house books and scrolls. The result was far beyond that. This has already happened with space travel. Things like carbon monoxide detectors and telemedicine are a direct result of the space race and will save countless lives.

Throwing money at the poor never has and never will resolve the underlying issues. Developing new technologies will help far more people than giving money to help salve the conscience of the more wealthy.

Again, in my opinion.