The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #24520   Message #3906598
Posted By: Jim Dixon
19-Feb-18 - 02:48 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Four Wet Pigs (Greg Brown)
Subject: Lyr Add: FOUR WET PIGS (Greg Brown)
The version in the DT is considerably different from what Greg Brown actually sings. I have boldfaced the differences:

As recorded by Greg Brown on "The Iowa Waltz" (1981)

Here's a little song about four wet pigs,
Just a little song about four wet pigs.
Two are little; two are big.
They're all dancin' at the Mudtown Jig.

Two that are little, little as an ear o' corn.
Two that are big are bigger than a barn,
Bigger than a barn, taller than a tree.
Away they go to the factory.

Cut 'em into bacon; slice 'em into ham.
Chop 'em into hot dogs; squeeze 'em into Spam.
Throw their little eyes out in the rain.
Throw their little eyes out in the rain.
Throw their beady little piggy eyes out into the rain.

Pickle their feet and pickle their brains. Ugh!*

Here's a little song about two wet pigs,
Standin' at the slop trough, smokin' their cigs,
Wishin' to God they'd never get big,
Dancin' out their hearts,
Dancin' out their hearts,
Dancin' out their hearts
at the Mudtown Jig.
Dance, little piggy!

[* "Ugh!" doesn't quite do justice to the indescribable triphthong he utters at this point—more like "yeughiy!"]

Studio version: