OhMyGawd! Some of the things that pop up on Mudcat are downright miraculous!The first time I heard Grace was in the broadcast of "The Irish Tenors" during a KCTS Channel 9 (PBS) pledge break a couple years ago, sung by Anthony Kearns. I had to have it!. The next time the show came on I videotaped it, but the tape itself was bad. Several months later, during another pledge break, I got a good tape of the program. With other things intruding, I didn't get around to the laborious process of playing the tape and writing down the words, but just a few days ago I decided to go for it an easier way. I tossed my ethics out the window and downloaded Grace sung by Anthony Kearns from Napster. This afternoon I was going to play the cut on the computer and sit here typing the words as Kearns sang it. But I decided to see what was going on at Mudcat first, and there it was! Just saved me a bunch of typing.
I'm not even sure I can do the song for two reasons:
1. After hearing Anthony Kearns' marvelous tenor, I'm not sure I can do the song justice with my frog-in-a-rain-barrel bass; and
2. Every time I hear the song, I puddle up.Wish me luck. And Thank You Thank You Thank You!!
Don Firth