The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #163659   Message #3907491
Posted By: Steve Shaw
23-Feb-18 - 07:30 PM
Thread Name: Obit: RIP Billy Graham (1918-2018)
Subject: RE: Obit: RIP Billy Graham (1918-2018)
If I've said it once, Pete, I've said it a hundred times. I care not a jot about people's beliefs, no matter how irrational, as they keep them to themselves. I personally harbour a terribly irrational belief in Liverpool FC, but, gods though they are, with their figurehead the greatest God of all, Shankly, I have a good deal of competition in the guise of the likes of the deluded supporters of Man U and Man City. But we all realise that we revere our personal god only because of the accident of our birth and family traditions, and all of us will quietly and discreetly enjoy the merits of our adversaries as long as they play good footie. Christ almighty, I'll even watch Chelsea (that's me off to confession in the morning...). That would be like you going to the Friday Prayers and joining in, Pete. We sort of pretend to hate each other's guts but we share a common love for the beautiful game, the only true God. Your religions are not like that. You have a one true God that's different to everybody else's, according to your "sacred" texts; you can't agree on whether the host is the true body or not; you go to wars with each other, you have heresy laws, you burn each other at the stake or cut off each other's heads or murder those you deem guilty of apostasy. We might endure a bit of rough stuff at the Shed End (I lived next door to it for two years) but our religion draws the line right there at the exit turnstile and we are normal for the whole of the next week. You are not. You pretend to "live your faith," despite its egregious bigotry and intolerance and the fact that you have no evidence for its basis in truth, for the whole week.

And that's Billy Graham for you, down to a tee. Every speech promising non-existent certainties. And we don't need to mention his cosying up to Nixon and Reagan, do we?