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Thread #163659   Message #3907612
Posted By: Greg F.
24-Feb-18 - 09:42 AM
Thread Name: Obit: RIP Billy Graham (1918-2018)
Subject: RE: Obit: RIP Billy Graham (1918-2018)
Greg_F compared Billy Graham to Hitler, Pol Pot, and Francois "Papa Doc" Duvalier

No, Joe - I compared your campaign to whitewash Graham and escuse his well-documented negatives with whitewashing those other gents.

Greg_F can actually cite anything Graham said or did that was actually objectionable. So, I guess Greg's opinion is worthy of disregard.

Absolute bullshit, Joe, from many different perspectives. Graham's career is replete with WELL DOCUMENTED AND EASILY ACCESSIBLE EXAMPLES, some of which have already been ceted in this thread. If you can't be bothered to educate yourself I can;t be arsed to take the time to try to educate you. In adition, its not "my" opinion; its a widely held majority opinion. "Christians"[sic] of Graham's stripe -and those like yourself who enable, defend, and excuse them- are, thank God, a minority.

Besides, you don't actually mean to say that any citations I might provide would actually change your mind, do you? Or that you'd do anything other than ridicule them?. You have an extreme aversion to being confused with the facts once you've adopted a stance however idiotic.

Maybe they're insecure and the only way they can maintain the illusion of security is by attacking others

Sanctimonius git.

The only people I cannot respect, are those who live their lives to attack and denigrate and ridicule others.

You must have a terribly difficult time living with yourself then, as
your contributions to this thread - and others - demonstrate that you regularly engage in just that behavior.

Anyone else note the irony of how the self righteous absolutism of Shaw and Greg

Amusing, in a disgusting sort of way, considering the "self righteous absolutism" of folks who call anyone who disagrees with their idiosyncratic opinions a "bigot" and/or an "anti-Semite".