The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #111913   Message #3907982
Posted By: GUEST
25-Feb-18 - 10:26 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Hills of Isle au Haut (Gordon Bok)
Subject: RE: Origins: Hills of Isle au Haut (Gordon Bok)
So I'm a Mainer and I would love to think that this song's about my dear island, but based on the lyrics it doesn't quite sound like it is.

First of all, Isle au Haut Maine definitely has ice and snow

Secondly, It's east of Plymouth, MA, unless it were referring to Plymouth UK, then I guess it's westward, but pretty damn far west.

It also refers to the Bay of Biscay which is off the coast of france. This makes me think that maybe this is referring to a french Island that used to be name Isle au Haut?

And then it refers again to Cascais which is in Portugal.

I don't know, I really wish it were referring to Isle au Haut Maine, but these are just some doubts cast in my mind.
