The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #111913   Message #3907987
Posted By: Joe Offer
26-Feb-18 - 01:02 AM
Thread Name: Origins: Hills of Isle au Haut (Gordon Bok)
Subject: RE: Origins: Hills of Isle au Haut (Gordon Bok)
Hi -
Look at my post up above, with Gordon's lyrics and notes from his Time and the Flying Snow Songbook. Most of the song talks about all those other places that are far more comfortable, and what he said about Isle Au Haut is:

Just that Isle au Haut is a hilly island where the bays come together - Penobscot Bay, Isle au haut Bay, Jericho Bay, and Blue Hill Bay.

I saw the island only once, when I took the mailboat from Stonington before dawn, watching the overcast sky brighten over the glass-smooth waters of the bays. I spent just about an hour there at about 7 AM. I didn't see any people once the lumberjacks left the boat and walked up the hill into the woods - just one deer in the light fog. It was one of the most memorable days of my life.
