The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #162855   Message #3908073
Posted By: Jim Carroll
26-Feb-18 - 08:23 AM
Thread Name: BS: Post Brexit life in the UK
Subject: RE: BS: Post Brexit life in the UK
"What planet are you on today jimmie?"
And that's it - that't's your response to teh fact (not uncorroborated accusations) that the Government has put Britain in hock to right extremism - LePen, DUP, Trump...
Not just the limp-wristed right but th real oven-door-bangers like antisemitic fascists like LePen and frothing maniacs like Trump
What was your resonse again ?
""What planet are you on today jimmie?"
Whatever planet I'm on, it appears to be inhabited by adults
Grow uo
I've just watched Corbyn talking about The Customs Union - as statesmanlike and confident as anything I've seen in a while
One of the points arising from his speech was the comment that he probably had enough support from Tory and Labour Politicians to form a parliamentary majority on this issue
That's about how serious these "spying" claims are being taken by real-life politicians
You little band of flag-waggers are the ones who need to grow up
Jim Carroll