The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #163671   Message #3908506
Posted By: Jim Carroll
28-Feb-18 - 06:32 AM
Thread Name: BS: Syrian Conflict
Subject: RE: BS: Syrian Conflict
"The real reason for the war is that Assad is not regarded as a safe pair of hands."
The war in Syria began with Arab Spring peaceful protests being quashed vilolently (using British - sold equipment) and then escalating into civil war.
The protests in Britain of the violence of Assad's actions led to an intervention vote being taken in Parliament (defeated) and inaction on the Part of the UN (thanks to a Russian and Chinese veto.
Muslim volunteers left for Syria - Isis became involved - and here we are
All of this is documented fact Iains - please don't challenge it with denials - if it isn't produce someone more reliable than Guido Fawkes (who thinks Assad is a murderous shirt anyway) and sites owned by a Russian billionaire
As far bacck as Thatcher's affair with mass-murder Pinochet, it was been a fact that Britain is now prepared to rely on fascist support to defend Britain's interests - the Yanks have never attempted to hise that policy
Jim Carroll