The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #163796   Message #3911333
Posted By: Steve Shaw
16-Mar-18 - 03:12 AM
Thread Name: BS: If Russia didn't do it - who did ???
Subject: RE: BS: If Russia didn't do it - who did ???
I think that that is entirely possible. But I'm not desperately scrabbling around for alternatives wacky theories (I'll leave that to the God-squadders :-) ) as it does seem very likely that the Russian state is involved. Too many things simply don't fit. For example, why would Putin threaten the World Cup? Thing is, Russia is just as full of gangsters as anywhere else. It's laughable to suggest that it's impossible that after thirty-odd years of the poison's existence somebody who shouldn't have has got hold of some. It definitely suits Theresa May to be able to look tough and point the finger at Putin. When you've got the Mail and the Express and the Tory party behind you, as well as all those disaffected Blairites who never waste an opportunity to reopen old rifts, you can make your accusations look respectable and you know that Putin's star is so low in the west that no-one will believe his protestations. He knows that too. At the end of the day chucking out diplomats just looks weedy, and any extra sanctions on Russia will be just as weedy. After all, we need their gas. Cheers, Thatcher, for that.