The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #163796   Message #3911368
Posted By: Steve Shaw
16-Mar-18 - 06:38 AM
Thread Name: BS: If Russia didn't do it - who did ???
Subject: RE: BS: If Russia didn't do it - who did ???
We've allowed Russia to obtain an entirely illegitimate toehold in this country by allowing our financial institutions to launder billions of Russian oligarchs' money. Successive governments have connived in that. Theresa May desperately needs to be seen to be acting tough. So she does that time-honoured and entirely ineffectual thing, boots out a few diplomats. She could hit Russia a lot harder by exposing and staunching the money-laundering. A slight hitch there would be that some of the those guys give money to the Tory Party. Well who'd have thought it. And Mr Red, it's looking increasingly like your claim and bobad's that we should trust our agencies and accept that they they know summat we don't know but wot they can't tell us is just about the biggest conspiracy theory of all. Saying that Russia probably dunnit cos it's wot they're like and they're Reds anyway and wot more do you need simply doesn't wash, and thank God there are a few sane and calm voices being heard today, Corbyn's for one. And have a look at Simon Jenkins in today's Guardian.