The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #163798   Message #3911546
Posted By: Steve Shaw
17-Mar-18 - 06:58 PM
Thread Name: BS: Tories buy DUP vote on school meals
Subject: RE: BS: Tories buy DUP vote on school meals
Gentle persuasion may well work a little better, Dave...

My Grandad on Mum's side always voted Tory, basically because in those days the Catholic priests from the pulpit told him to vote Tory and always promoted king and country above all. Even though he worked all his life in Salford docks! To him, Labour meant commies, and, today, the likes of the Daily Mail are peddling the same line. What we need is really good political education in this country. I know from first-hand experience that the very suggestion of that gets you branded as a subversive commie by the Tories. I don't want to sound patronising but I'll say this anyway: working-class people who vote Tory have been hoodwinked, partly by the Tory Party populist machine but mainly by the Tories' media lackeys. Everything Senoufou says about her life experiences and her husband's life experiences screams anti-Tory. But what can you do...