The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #163796   Message #3911687
Posted By: Steve Shaw
18-Mar-18 - 12:23 PM
Thread Name: BS: If Russia didn't do it - who did ???
Subject: RE: BS: If Russia didn't do it - who did ???
We are being manipulated, though it's instructive to see how the voices of doubt are gaining ground while the finger-pointers' imagination can only run to wheeling out an increasingly-shrill Boris (that paragon of truthfulness and carefully-chosen words) and to try to convince us that it could only have been Russia, with absolutely no new information for us. On the latter point, my personal conspiracy theory is that there isn't any.

To Donuel and bobad: yer man in Iains' link, who is absolutely not my kind of bloke by the way, knows no more about this than you or I do. But he is pointing to the time-honoured, devious ways in which politicians manipulate us using words. In that regard he is doing us a valuable service. It's about time that anti-Russian people started to see that people who cast doubt on Russia's involvement in this are not doing it because they're pro-Russian. We just want the truth, that's all. Or at least we want stuff that's beyond reasonable doubt. We have a long way to go.