The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #163796   Message #3911763
Posted By: Iains
18-Mar-18 - 06:55 PM
Thread Name: BS: If Russia didn't do it - who did ???
Subject: RE: BS: If Russia didn't do it - who did ???
I find it surprising that the BBC should photoshop Corbyn. Could they have been lent on? He is the only major politician to have queried the accepted mantra of "blame Putin for everything, even the weather". I detest Corbyn, but I find it very instructive the way he is
being "marginalised" both by the majority party, many of his own party and the mainstream media. Seems parliament is inhabited by many not so useful idiots.
Brexit is a far more important topic yet is being pushed totally off the agenda by supposed Vlad the lad, who seems to have inherited the worst character traits of both Rasputin and Vlad the impaler, if everything said about the man is to be believed.
I wonder if the PM and Boris are merely puppets? and if so, who is pulling the strings? It seems to me that one false flag event in the wrong place could make the assassination of the Grand Duke seem merely a lover's tiff in comparison to a modern war in europe. Modern wars now put civilians in the front line. A nice war is one way of guaranteeing limits to growth of population. Do you consider yourself a useless eater? Pretty sure them people upstairs do. Is the reset button about to be pushed?