The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #163796   Message #3911839
Posted By: Iains
19-Mar-18 - 07:24 AM
Thread Name: BS: If Russia didn't do it - who did ???
Subject: RE: BS: If Russia didn't do it - who did ???
Very convenient that a doctor and nurse just happened by when the poisoning occurred.
Very convenient that Porton Down is about 8 miles from Salisbury.
Very convenient that Porton Down is probably the only place in the UK where the poison could be analysed so quickly and definitively.
matey boy Skripal once worked there also.
If Russia wanted to send a message, the word would soon get out that certain persons no longer breathed. The very public and unique nature of both the poisoning of the polonium kid and Sergei Skripal and his daughter simply would not be necessary. Also leaving a trail a mile wide does not seem over clever-deliberately careless in fact.
Everyone shouts it was russia than done it, yet no one yet states that they have proof, merely a lot of shouting designed to look like proof if only subjected to cursory examination.
I guarantee we will hear of those nasty russians and syrians using chemical warfare in the very near future. Especially now public opinion has been massaged in the right direction.