The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #163796   Message #3912403
Posted By: Jim Carroll
22-Mar-18 - 04:26 AM
Thread Name: BS: If Russia didn't do it - who did ???
Subject: RE: BS: If Russia didn't do it - who did ???
2Funny how britain identifies the poison/nervegas in five minutes"
Just sayin'
"I can state quite categorically our politicians and business men do not have good relations with Syria."
No you can't
Up to the point when Assad was massacring the people of Homs, Britain was supplying military equipment to Assad - it is possible that sniper ammunition licensed by Britain was used to train Assad's snipers - certainly, armoured cars, tear gas and water cannons sold by Britain were used to suppress the Arab Spring demonstrations - this, despite the fact that the world was fully aware of the torture and mass murder that had been taking lace in Syria for over a decade, thanks to THE AMNESTY REPORT of Syrian atrocities.
Britain was in the position to oppose Assad with economic and snd political sanctions - it chose not to
The sanctions only came when Assad used chemical weapons on his opponents (possibly manufactured using British-sold chemicals) - the decision to impose sanctions was due to international outrage at Assad's behaviour and the rise of Isis - certainly not a humanitarian one.
When all this is over, it is unlikely that Assad will ever stand trial for his mass murder and he will return to being a "valued trading partner"
It would be nice if you actually accepted the extent of this mass-murderers atrocities rather than doing a David Irving on him
Jim Carroll