In a slightly more serious answer to the OP, it's a combination / one or the other of tone & the perceived skill, I suggest.
It's just as well shawms have gone out of fashion - loud, raucous, nasal, a bit like the various pipes. Not everybody's favoured sound, and the same thing undoubtedly influences opinions on banjos, accordions, etc. They're all instruments that have a certain treble edge, going on shrill (depending on your ears) that doesn't appeal to many, and therefore they become a target.
Similarly, how do you stop a drummer's knuckles dragging on the ground? Teach him to walk upright! Any idiot can hit a drum, right? Yeah, OK, if you say so... Double basses don't necessarily get interesting parts, but they underpin the harmony, therefore they have a certain importance and, often, complexity. Cellos get interesting parts - they're only over-sized violins after all and, of course, violins (bunch of tarts!). But the viola part, on its own, is usually simpler, and less noticeable, therefore the player must be less skilled... On the other hand, if you want an engine to purr it needs oil. Take the oil out, and your engine will sound off & then seize... So it is with an orchestra - take the violas out & an expert ear will soon say "Hang on, something's not running right..." (Yes, I'm well aware I've just mixed several metaphors! ;-) ).
As for coriander, it's a genetic thing. It's leaf coriander only, too; the flavour of seed is unaffected. If you have the gene, then an enzyme in the saliva makes it taste... It has been described as like shaving soap & similar. To me (yes, I apparently have said gene), leaf coriander simply tastes chemical. It is absolutely unpalatable; it's not a question of "like" or getting used to it. I don't like peas or parsnips, but I can eat them & blank the flavour. Leaf coriander is simply chemical & inedible!