The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #163854   Message #3913359
Posted By: JP2
26-Mar-18 - 07:04 PM
Thread Name: George Butterworth (Musician/collector-died 1916)
Subject: RE: George Butterworth (Musician-died 1916)
As a Shropshire Lad by birth and a Morris Musician I'd heard of George Butterworth but knew vey little about his demise.

Then one day about eight years ago we fetched up in our Motorhone in a town called Doullens to stay the night on an "Aire",a parking space where MHs are allowed to stay.

We wandered up to the Office Touristique and in a leaflet about the Town Hall I noticed the photo of a painting hanging in said same Town Hall of a gentleman quite clearly in Cotswold kit!!!!

Our very own G.B.who fell I believe at Pozieres,near to Doullens.

It's interesting that of all the British Military figures the citizens of Doullens could have chosen they chose a Morris Dancing composer!!

His name,alongside my namesake and great-uncle,Ernest John Price,is commemorated on the great memorial at Thiepval.

I would like to report that we've seen the painting in the flesh but malheureusement the Town Hall works on very restricted opening hours and our visits have never coincided yet!

But we live in hope!