The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #163915 Message #3915921
Posted By: punkfolkrocker
08-Apr-18 - 01:29 PM
Thread Name: BS: useful versus useless idiots...???
Subject: RE: BS: useful versus useless idiots...???
Thinking aloud...
"hmmmm... why start this thread...???
Well if it is within the capabilities of some mudcatters to make minimal - only absolutely essential references - to the 'R' and 'I' words, then this thread could serve a 'useful' and topical purpose...???"
As has been mentioned, there is already a thread in existence devoted to nothing but robust discussion of the 'R' word....!!!
This thread could / should be about a more specific adjunct of the 'R'/'I' issues... Concentrating on UK politicians ideally...
But what happens here next is up to whoever fancies a friendly debate...