The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79238   Message #3916628
Posted By: FScott
11-Apr-18 - 04:10 PM
Thread Name: Dave Bulmer (discussion)
Subject: RE: Dave Bulmer (discussion)
I used to deal with Bulmer as a U.S. retailer and have to tell you it was a nightmare. I would place orders that I wouldn't receive and would get no replies to my letters and faxes. I would place orders and receive a shipment but with no invoice. My request for an invoice would go unanswered and then I'd receive an invoice six months later. I visited him several times and he would let me pick out LPs that I wanted shipped to the USA but never received them. He invited me to stay at his house once and I ended up sleeping in a bed that had probably been slept in by a dozen or more people before me with no attempt to wash the sheets after any of the visits.
I do believe that he did some good for the British Isles folk scene but it was outweighed by the harm. Ask Dick Gaughan about his experiences with Bulmer when he recorded the Run Rig album or the many Leader/ Trailer artists who begged Bulmer to make their material available. Bob Fox and Stu Luckley re-recorded most of their two Black Crow albums for Fellside with almost the same arrangements because they couldn't get Bulmer to make their albums available.
With all due respect to the Bulmer defender I think that Dave Bulmer had some level of sociopathy going on. I'm pretty sure that it wasn't about making money.