Hi Willie-O. Here's what you want:WHALEN'S FATE
Oh come all ye true bold raftsmen and friends both far and near
An accident most horrible I mean to let you hear
It was one of our young heroes, George Whalen he was called
He drowned on McLarren's jam below the upper falls
The river was in a raging force and the waters they were high
When the foreman said to Whalen, 'This jam you've got to try
You're young, you're strong and active, all dangers not to fear
For you're the man to help us now to keep those waters clear'
Said noble-hearted Whalen all to his comrades bold
'Come on, come all together, boys, and we'll do as we are told
We must obey our foreman, as nobles we should do'
Just as he spoke, the jam had broke and let poor Whalen through
There were four of them upon the jam, while three of them got saved
And noble-hearted Whalen sank far beneath the waves
To heaven he cried for mercy, 'Oh, God, look down on me!'
A soul is free from an early (earthly?) care, gone to eternity
So come all ye true bold raftsmen, come listen to Whalen's fate
Beware of those adventures before it is too late
For death is lurking around you all, it's seekin' to destroy
The pride of many a father, likewise a mother's joy
Source: William Main Doerflinger: Songs of the Sailor and Lumberman Macmillan 1972 (p243)
Cheers, Stewie. ^^