The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #163906   Message #3916854
Posted By: Steve Shaw
12-Apr-18 - 11:50 AM
Thread Name: BS: If Russia didn't do it..?
Subject: RE: BS: If Russia didn't do it..?
So to sum up, what we've "found out" today is that novichok was used and that novichok was developed in Russia. Well blow me down!

Another thing we're constantly told is that some minute traces of stuff that were scraped off a doorknob after several elapsed days, or rescued from someone's bloodstream after a lot of metabolism ditto, or wherever they eventually scratched it up from, was "military grade"/"weapons grade"/"extremely pure", etc., therefore "must have been made in Russia" (classic non seq there, I'd say). We are all expected to swallow this bullshit hook, line and sinker because, well these important scientists mustn't be questioned. It's above our heads, innit, you see. Well I'm questioning it. What does "military grade" actually mean, how can you tell what "grade" (whatever that means - probably nothing, I'd say) something is after you've managed to get a titchy little bit of it after days, and has anyone ever found any novichok that was SUB-military grade? Accept nothing and question everything!