The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #163884   Message #3917011
Posted By: Steve Shaw
13-Apr-18 - 07:11 AM
Thread Name: BS: On the cause of Famines
Subject: RE: BS: On the cause of Famines

Pot, Kettle. You team up, gang up, get into an abusive mode, then if things don't go your way one of you can get the thread closed, the other can drag the argument to an UNRELATED thread, and the abuse can continue.

You guys are bullies. Ain't no lower form of life because you're cowards as well."

Well "Jom" aside for now (how childish), what a shame you didn't revisit the Gaza thread before posting this tripe. The thread became infested by a concerted, non-stop tirade of extremely abusive postings from bobad and BeardedBruce in the last couple of days of its existence which is why I drew the attention of a moderator to it. The mods tend to avoid threads of that cesspool nature (they are more sane than the rest of us) and threads can run on past their sell-by date unnoticed. I'd like to hear from anyone here who's looked at the last couple of days of that thread who would still like to tell me that it had a constructive future. We are not bullies as you allege, and I for one was fairly inactive in that thread's latter stages, so your point about things "not going my way" so getting the thread closed falls, but there WAS a lot of bullying and hectoring going on from those two that rendered the thing a cancer on this forum.

And if you want to see bullying, wait to see what might happen here next.