The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #163906   Message #3917082
Posted By: Jim Carroll
13-Apr-18 - 12:07 PM
Thread Name: BS: If Russia didn't do it..?
Subject: RE: BS: If Russia didn't do it..?
The sick thing about all this of course is that if Britain had acted against Assad when the first AMNESTY report emerged revealing arrest without trial, torture and mass murder of opponents, this need never have reached this stage and Isis would have remained a wet-dream of a bunch of isolated fanatics   
Instead, they treated the man as an ally, sold him weapons (some of the sniper ammunition licensed by Britain was possibly sold to train the HOMS SNIPERS, and when the Arab Spring protests reached Syria, it was British armoured cars, tear gas and riot controls equipment that was used to quell the protesters and lock them away in Assad's torture chambers - even some of the Syrian officers were TRAINED IN BRITAIN
Britain took a vote whether or not to intervene after Homs - we washed our hands of our responsibilities
On poster not a million miles from this thread accused me of being a "fascist" when I suggested Britain should go in (different tune now).
When Assad's politicians were deserting him they begged the British Government to use their good offices to stop the killing and, if that did not happen, to seize the millions of pounds worth of London property owned by the Assad Family - nothing
When Assad first used chemicals on civilians, Britain was reprimanded for having sold CHEMICALS which may have been used to make the weapons being used
Now, a long time after the whole herd of Assad's, the Kremlin's and Isis's horses have bolted and the manyufacture of body-bags has beome a massive industry, the "free and democratic countries" that aome people set such sore by have gotten off their fat arses and decided to move - this time at the risk of starting WW3
Does anybody know the words of WE'LL MEET AGAIN
Jim Carroll