The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #163915 Message #3917382
Posted By: Donuel
15-Apr-18 - 08:09 AM
Thread Name: BS: useful versus useless idiots...???
Subject: RE: BS: useful versus useless idiots...???
We all have different abilities and disabilities to some degree. If you choose to deal with a 'disabled' person you we find there are some things they can do exceptionally well.
If you look past some abuse from a person with an ego disorder you may find a diamond in the rough.* A dose of acceptance or forgiveness goes a long way to include wider humanity in your world.
If you have a form of toxic ego you might not like people without it. You might like to argue with others who have this condition. T.E.D is a small yet powerful aspect of a person.
For example I can highly respect and like someone with toxic ego even when the one afflicted is unaware of their own condition. Ex. my friendship with Steve. We are a foil to ach other but fight for the same cause.
I have a hard enough time dealing with illusions that my own ego tries to foist on me. When I succeed in taming the ego I am more aware of unnecessary prejudice and feel more creative.
I know my own disabilities well enough to know when others become intolerant of them. There is little chance of changing others but we stand a better chance to change ourselves.
* some rough folk call this finding a diamond in a goat's ass