The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #163915 Message #3917459
Posted By: Donuel
15-Apr-18 - 02:21 PM
Thread Name: BS: useful versus useless idiots...???
Subject: RE: BS: useful versus useless idiots...???
Arrogance and self awareness seldom go hand in hand Iain. Look at Trump.
Most Trump supporters I encounter offer some excuse while declaring their support like, '...but he is doing the best he can' or 'I just wish he would lay off the twitter but...'.
I remind folks we are all crew on this ship unless we are billionaires.
The prejudiced bigots in my country will not own their racism be it overt or institutional and are not always hard core racists. They are more like hard core 'fearists' than fascists.
They are consumed by fear and are taught to shoot first and ask questions later.