The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #161248   Message #3917464
Posted By: wysiwyg
15-Apr-18 - 02:46 PM
Thread Name: Declutter & Fitness - Clearing Out the House
Subject: RE: Declutter & Fitness - Clearing Out the House

It all started running itself in my head once I'd asked housemate Tyler to take the lawn chairs out to the yard...

The following is an unedited paste of a message to my wonderful, matriarch-in-training DIL, who agreed to be my stunt double:


Jaclyn, this is so important. Can I put you in charge of putting labeled boxes in the right garage areas to make it possible for me to get/deal with each box on my own in succeding weeks of unpacking?


Corner by door into patio-- BR and K boxes, tarped over (roof leaks)

Art Corner by fenced area behind BR's-- Framed art (LR decor boxes on top of adjoining green tool shelf); lightweight wooden wall shelves on top (one on truck and one in LR).

Furniture corner-- Scooters; armoire behind scooters on window wall. Garden stuff can go into (or stacked on tarped-top of) armoire.

LL Corner where weight bench was-- LL Boxes under corner desk, white cubbies with bases stacked on desk; file cabinet, and archive boxes or LL boxes in/stacked on file cabinet.

Walker-- trunk of Saturn.

Dog crate-- backseat of Saturn? Blanket/tarp underneath, in case dog carsick.

Tin roofing-- beside garage behind privacy fence.

Tall pantry-- Garage, beside stove. Hanging closet now there: to middle of garage for me to sort/relocate.

Round dining table/chairs-- LR to replace card table, or leave in garage.

Flat Xmas figures and portacrib-- Garage rafters, in sight.

Misc gardening crap-- garden wall of garage. Tomato cages can go beside garage behind privacy fence if necessary. Lawn mower can be hanged if necessary-- hooks would prob be needed-- we do not use bcuz lawn svc.

Tools-- portable bench, garage. Hand tools, K sideboard.

Lumber-- Lumber corner of garage if possible. Pressure treated 2x6's beside garage if necessary.

Scalloped-edge table-- LR; replaces narrower wicker lamp table. Wicker table to Tyler (loan), or garage rafters.

Farm bell: Garage where it won't need moved to park-- heavy!!! Cardboard or plastic under it pls.Thanks-- Tyler is prepping those spaces and I'll check boxes as we load to be sure they're routed right. All the Fragile also have Up arrows to prevent crushing. One or two are marked DJ for you guys, so you'll want to watch for those.

Boxed/disassembled white bookcase-- Garage (center or LL corner), for Tyler to assemble later. (A DRY area.)


The idea is to fill the corners to my height first, then extend from there into the center of the garage as needed. That way I can start in the center of the garage as I unpack 1 box at a time, so I can park the Saturn in there as soon as feasible.

There is an easy chair in the garage now that can be moved as needed but has to stay in there-- it's one of my emergency break chairs and goes anywhere on the driver's side of the parked car; on the brown rug would be OK, or in the middle of the garage for Tyler and me to deal with later.
