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Thread #163943   Message #3917575
Posted By: Jim Carroll
16-Apr-18 - 06:13 AM
Thread Name: BS: Hit On Syria
Subject: RE: BS: Hit On Syria
Can we cut though this patriotic, flag-wagging garbage
The "decent democratic nations" were more than happy to stand by for decades and watch the people of Syria tortured and massacres by "an old ally of Britain"
The only thing they did was to sell them weapons and equipment in order to round protesters up into torture chambers (Keith gave them his blessing in doing this on the "Homs Horror" thread)
The stockpiles of chemical weapons now being drawn from may have been facilitated by sales of chemicals by Britain)
The "decent democratic nations" allowed Arab Spring protests to metamorphose into civil war and when Muslims genuinely supporting democratic change in Syria volunteered to fight Assad, the same "decent democratic nations" described them as terrorists and jihadists
It is little surprise that many of these volunteers eventually joined up with real terrorists like Isis - the rest of the world had sold them out so they turned to people of their own faith
And so Isis became a world threat
This latest theatre is little more than that - a theatrical gesture staged because Assad and "Free Russia" have become an embarrassment to the "decent democratic nations"
I disagree with those who say Russia didn't do it - I think there is enough evidence to suggest that the "Free and Democratic" leadership of new Russia is up to their elbows in this slaughter
I go along with Corbyn that this should not have been carried out without U.N. backing
May Blossom is now facing a Parliamentary debate on whether she had the right to go to war without their permission
The fct that she acted as she did confirms her party's allowing Britain to be Amarica's (in this case, Trump's Amarica's) poodle.
The European countries are now debating whether they were waise to support the attacks, but then again, the Frenchies and Co have never peen part of the "decent democratic nations" of the world, have they now - I ask you!!!   
Jim Carroll