The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #163943   Message #3917582
Posted By: Iains
16-Apr-18 - 06:38 AM
Thread Name: BS: Hit On Syria
Subject: RE: BS: Hit On Syria
I wonder how Arab Spring changed from protest to full on guerilla warfare? Who created the factions
         Who trains/ed them
         Who supplies them
         Who is embedded with them
         Who proposed the domino theory
         Who keeps threatening to leave and keeps changing their
         Why is it necessary to make Syria yet another failed state.

It sure as hell ain't rocket science to put an unwavering finger in one direction.
         So what allegations are true and what are false flags? Where are the boots on the ground to provide unequivocal evidence.

Do we go to war on the basis of as yet unsubstantiated allegations that would not even generate a case in a court of law?
Kissingers jibe that military men were "dumb stupid animals to be used" as pawns of foreign policy will come back to haunt the hawks if body bags start coming home.