The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #163943   Message #3917602
Posted By: Iains
16-Apr-18 - 07:51 AM
Thread Name: BS: Hit On Syria
Subject: RE: BS: Hit On Syria
"There were no factions during the Demonstrations - that was the point - they were spontaneous protests that were sweeping the Arab world - the greatest chance of spreading democracy this generation has ever had"

Yeah yeah yeah. You were there and saw it all first hand were you? You have impeccable sources to give you the true story?
Do you seriously believe there were no Agents provocateurs shipped in by the shed load to stir things up?

Strange these events never occurred in Saudi where 51% of the population is under 25.
It is also the most repressive society in the middle east

As Wiki says:The Arab Spring was a revolutionary wave of both violent and non-violent demonstrations, protests, riots, coups, foreign interventions, and civil wars in North Africa and the Middle East that began on 18 December 2010 in Tunisia with the Tunisian Revolution.

This is not a spontaneous protest as I understand the word. What part of foreign intervention do you not understand?