The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #163915   Message #3917653
Posted By: punkfolkrocker
16-Apr-18 - 11:09 AM
Thread Name: BS: useful versus useless idiots...???
Subject: RE: BS: useful versus useless idiots...???
Jim - ok mudcat mate.. got it off your chest for now...???

We do understand you and Iains aint best mates...

But such is the nature of shifting dynamics in inter-personal politics and temporary alliances,
that for the moment I find I am actually in accord with Iains to a fair extent on the current tory Salisbury pantomime politicking..

So I'm reasonably ok with working togetherish on things we positively have in common,
and for the moment setting old adversarial antagonisms aside...

Surely that much we owe to the legacy of Jo Cox...???