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Thread #163943   Message #3917772
Posted By: Jim Carroll
17-Apr-18 - 03:48 AM
Thread Name: BS: Hit On Syria
Subject: RE: BS: Hit On Syria
"Keith A of Hertford has been a clear, consistent, and moderate poster, unlike many of his detractors."
All this means is that you agree with him
He is by far the least moderate of any poster that has posted in my time here (anybody who denigrates and targets entire cultural, national and religious groups are among the most immoderate and dangerous people on the planet)
This line of discussion has become pointless
Any discussion forum will divide itself into political trends of one degree or another - hopefully, we can learn from those we disagree with - otherwise we may as well shout at each other and wave banners - which is basically what "you lot" or 'the pack'
You lean from people in two ways - from what they say or from being forced to follow up what that say - if all you do is scoop up out-of-context phrases to back up your already set opinions is a waste of our being here - you learn nothing from that - it happens a lot
It is counter-productive to slag off one another for where we stand politically - in a way our differences are the strength of this forum
I still have fond memories of Mike Grosvenor Myer whose politics we very different from my own - I never met Mike, but I wish I had - I learned a hell of a lot from him
Please can we move on

Interesting time-line on chemical weapons in THIS ARTICLE
Interesting readers response too
Jim Carroll

March 2011 Syrians take to the streets in what are initially peaceful protests against the government of President Bashar al-Assad

July 2012 Syria publicly acknowledges that it has chemical weapons

August 2012 Then US president Barack Obama draws his “red line” on the use of chemical weapons in Syria

December 2012 The first alleged chemical attack is carried out since the start of the Syrian war

March 2013 The UN announces an investigation into the possible use of chemical weapons

August 2013 More than 1,000 people are killed in alleged chemical weapons attack on eastern Ghouta. The US blames Mr Assad for the attack, raising the possibility of military US strikes against the Syrian government

September 2013 The US and Russia reach an agreement for Syria to give up its chemical weapons and the US in return backs down from military action

June 2015 Chemical weapons watchdog the OPCW says the last of Syria’s declared chemical weapons have been removed or destroyed but allegations of chlorine attacks continue

April 2017 More than 80 people are killed in a sarin attack on the town of Khan Sheikhoun. The US fires 59 Tomahawk missiles at a Syrian air base in response

October 2017 A joint OPCW-UN joint report blames the Syrian government for the Khan Sheikhoun sarin attack

April 2018 An alleged chemical attack takes place in Douma, in the eastern Ghouta suburbs of Damascus