The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #163943   Message #3917798
Posted By: Steve Shaw
17-Apr-18 - 05:06 AM
Thread Name: BS: Hit On Syria
Subject: RE: BS: Hit On Syria
Funny, innit, how we have Israel, the UK, the US and Russia all hubristically jostling for political ascendancy, aka using Syria as their proxy battlefield, by dropping the usual standards we (ostensibly)) demand for evidence before finding people guilty in our own justice systems (though I don't pretend to know much about Russia's). Focussing on just those decent, open, western, well-informed liberal democracies just for now (just to pick up on a few adjectives that have been tendentiously proposed here as some sort of "evidence"), they act fast, at night, before reports are in, and they pay no heed to their parliaments or to public opinion. They lie blatantly by telling us that they are acting in western public interest. I'm no pacifist and I don't propose inaction or paralysis in the face of outrages against civilians in foreign war zones, but make no mistake in doubting that the leaders of our supposed democracies are acting first and foremost in their own political interests. I didn't have much time for Harold Wilson but he stood up to the bullying Lyndon Johnson and kept us out of Vietnam, the best part of his legacy in my opinion, and it didn't weaken him at home. Theresa May for one has acted disgracefully and pusillanimously in going along with Trump on this and I hope that the pressure on her will be kept up. She could easily have recalled parliament but she didn't, knowing that she would lose the vote on the paltry evidence she had to hand. At the very least, these arrogant people whose wages we all pay should adopt a bit of humility and honesty, apprise us fully of ALL the evidence they have and consult their own assemblies before acting.