The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #163979   Message #3918389
Posted By: BobL
19-Apr-18 - 03:46 AM
Thread Name: BS: On my gravestone
Subject: RE: BS: On my gravestone
I've arranged for my body to be offered for medical research - no worries about not being really dead if I get dissected. However they might not be able to use it - e.g. if I get mangled, have bits missing or die of something horribly contagious, or if they simply have enough bodies already - so a normal funeral may have to be arranged. In which case I don't mind what happens to my remains, I shan't be there.

A Biblical quote which keeps coming to mind as my possible epitaph, with a slightly different meaning when out of its original context, is from Ecclesiastes ch.3 v.4 "A time to mourn, and a time to dance".