The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #163906   Message #3918637
Posted By: Jim Carroll
20-Apr-18 - 06:17 AM
Thread Name: BS: If Russia didn't do it..?
Subject: RE: BS: If Russia didn't do it..?
No intention of entering into a dialogue to respond to your nonsense Keith - Guantanamo was a human rights abuse from day one and remains so
America will never be punished for any of its long history of and continuing war crimes so it is the last state in the world to lead an attack a country committing war crimes that measure small compared to their own
Response to you, over

What needs to be considered is why any of these wars are taking place
Isis arose from the West's refusal to act on appalling crimes against the people of Syria
A positive response to the Arab Spring Protests could have secured genuine change throughout the Arab World, but that did not suit the West's need for an uninterrupted flow of oil and a source of cheap goods for our shops
Not interfering in a "Civil War" is utter bullshit
The same people who were describing intervening in Assad's massacre of his people as "fascism" answer now up on their soap-boxes praising the heroes who flew in and bombed Assad a week ago - twisted logic or an indication of what this is really about
Are chemical weapons that we find horrendous enough to go to war for really that much worse than the many thousands of Assad's opponents who were rounded up, tortured and "disappeared"?
If humanity is the cause of intervening now, why did we vote down the idea of intervening when Assad's snipers were offering a packet of fags to each sniper who could kill a woman and a child with a single bullet on the streets of Homs - and why have those who support this intervention changed their minds?
Rhetorical question - whatever our leaders do is the right thing to some people as long as their shade of politics is "RIGHT"
Jim Carroll