The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #163997   Message #3918993
Posted By: punkfolkrocker
21-Apr-18 - 01:03 PM
Thread Name: BS: A worthwile history lesson!
Subject: RE: BS: A worthwile history lesson!
Lanky posh boy is MP too close to my neck of the woods..
Between him and the rest of the West peninsula [the arse end of England]
it's mostly futile voting Labour.. My mum's been doing it over 60 years and never seen Labour win round here...

Funnily enough, I think my dad did RAF national service with his dad...!!!???

I vaguely recall dad mentioning him in relation to some off duty ribald shenanigans...
But dads been gone over 20 years, and mum can't remember any of his old RAF stories...

The only tall tale I partially remember is one about a prostitute who owned a loaded revolver...