The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #163997 Message #3918996
Posted By: punkfolkrocker
21-Apr-18 - 01:24 PM
Thread Name: BS: A worthwile history lesson!
Subject: RE: BS: A worthwile history lesson!
"William Rees-Mogg 14 July 1928 – 29 December 2012
In 1946-8, beginning with an exceptionally bitter winter, he did his National Service in the Royal Air Force education department (his poor eyesight ruled out aircrew training) rising to the rank of sergeant. His duties included attempting to teach illiterate recruits to read and write, and his reference from his commanding officer stated that he was competent to perform simple tasks under supervision."
Facts fit - my dad was conscripted circa 1947, and ended up on ground crew duties training in electronics in some kind of radar bunker - I think...
I keep meaning to research my dad & various grandad's [3 in total - and a great grandad] military record, but too many priority distractions...