The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #163955   Message #3919632
Posted By: Mrrzy
24-Apr-18 - 10:21 AM
Thread Name: BS: Guns in America
Subject: RE: BS: Guns in America
The only purpose of a gun is to kill and that is why cops so seldom use their guns, silly. Cops carry guns because it is their job to. Again.
What I said about guns making bullets go fast so as to kill is fact, not opinion. Why else would you need a bullet to go fast? You could shoot feaathers if you didn't care about hitting a target and damaging it terribly.
What I said about nobody trying to take everybody's guns away is also the truth. There is no current motion, pun intended, to repeal the 2nd amendment. Limit gun rights, yes; eliminate them, no.
Find a fact that condradicts me.