The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #163955   Message #3919652
Posted By: beardedbruce
24-Apr-18 - 11:17 AM
Thread Name: BS: Guns in America
Subject: RE: BS: Guns in America
"The only purpose of a gun is to kill "

False statement.

" Cops carry guns because it is their job to."

No, they carry them to have a means to enforce their will on others, either by deadly force OR INTIMIDATION (Threat).

"What I said about guns making bullets go fast so as to kill is fact, not opinion"

They go fast so as to NOT fall down ( as much) due to gravity. Killing is YOUR opinion.

"What I said about nobody trying to take everybody's guns away is also the truth."

Your opinion. MANY of the anti-gun crowd have stated that is their aim. NOBODY means that even one would prove my point.

Have you even bothered to look at the clickies I have posted- there are examples there.

All the facts I have found contradict you.