The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #164038   Message #3920295
Posted By: Jim Carroll
27-Apr-18 - 06:00 AM
Thread Name: BS: deleting thread - ok.. no big deal..but
Subject: RE: BS: deleting thread - ok.. no big deal..but
Not going to argue with you Dave other than to point out that Keith's invented Lanbour antisemitism had become an established part of the Russian thread long before you closed it.
I feel that ignoring people like Keith hasn't worked - neither has my combative behaviour towards him - he has no self-respect, is immune to both argument and insult
When somebody as extreme as him continues to use this forum for some of the most extreme ideas I have ever encountered, rather thah punishing us all by closing threads - he needs to be warned officially and if that does no good, be ejected -
He accuses us of being extremists - what sick **** defends an appalling act towards legal immigrants carried out bt a government who has been forced to apologies for those act half a dozen times - talk about being right-of-right
This forum is full of good, intelligent people who it is possible to disagree with without having "liar", "extremist", "Jew-Hater"... and all the other shit that is used to stifle humanity
It is not the threads that need to be removed but the posters who use them as platforms for hate
Some of the views expressed by Keith and a few others have contravened British laws - mainly under the "incitement to hatred" guidlines
If I contravene the rules of this forum I expect to be reprimanded and ejected
Jim Carroll